108 Water projects

13 Countries

3 Continents

The site selection for each drilling project is determined in collaboration with local water departments. Each location chosen should serve a community with 35-40 households (350-400 individuals). The water sources are placed near a health clinic, school, or government facility, if possible. Hope Springs Water project coordinator, a zonal hydrologist, and the local water department work together to determine potential sites.

Once our team determines the site location our drilling team can begin. After the well is complete, pump installation commences with concrete and rebar base with a runoff canal to complete the newly found water source for the local community.

After completing the water supply project HSW assists in training the local caretaker committee to maintenance of the well. The caretakers are will be named by the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Committee and will include both men and women. The caretaker committee should be able to maintain every aspect of the water supply system. The caretaker committee made up of local community members will oversee and participate in the well construction. They will contribute to finishing off the well site with adequate protection of the well site with a fence to keep unwanted animal feces from contamination.