Supporters come through for well program

We are excited to announce that we are adding 16 new wells to our to-do list and it is all thanks to you, our supporters.

In December, we rolled out our "16 Wells for 16 Villages" campaign, an effort to make up for the 16 months we lost because of COVID.

That program will take $100,000 to complete, so we asked you to help us meet that goal.

Guess what? You did it!

With all the paperwork and counting now complete, our supporters donated $98,785 to the "16 Wells" campaign. That's amazing.

"Our supporters are the best," said Hope Springs Water Executive Director Bliss Nelson. "They always respond to the needs of the thirsty around the world."

The project will include:

-- Ethiopia: $40,000 = 5 wells
-- Nicaragua: $12,000 = 4 wells
-- Kenya: $36,000 = 3 wells
-- Guatemala: $12,000 = 4 wells

Thank you to everyone who took part in this campaign. You are helping Hope Springs Water bring HOPE to a thirsty world.