Water and Sanitation




Completed Shallow Borehole Well, Ethiopia 2023

Sanitation Unit Construction, Ethiopia 2024

WASHCo Training, Ethiopia 2024

Over 2 billion people, a quarter of the world’s population, live without safe drinking water and 3.6 billion people still lack access to safely managed sanitation services. Without clean water and sanitation facilities, diseases spread quickly, claiming thousands of lives.

Since 2010, Hope Springs Water has brought safe water resources to some of the highest-need regions of the world. We partner with local government agencies and NGOs throughout the planning, implementation, and monitoring processes to ensure the sustainability of water resources. Hope Springs Water sends volunteer teams to our areas of operation throughout the year to drill shallow borehole wells, reclaim existing wells, and build sanitation units alongside our partners. Our goal is that each well we drill serves a community of 350 – 400 individuals, and is located close to a health clinic, school, or government facility to benefit as many people as possible.

Hope Springs Water also establishes and trains local water, sanitation, and hygiene committees (WASHCos). The WASHCos are made up of men and women who oversee and participate in the well construction and then receive training that prepares them to maintain and repair the well in the future. By involving the WASHCo throughout the process, we equip and empower these individuals to ensure the sustainability of safe water resources in their community.

Hope Springs Water also constructs school-based sustainable sanitation facilities. Our sustainable sanitation facilities use the combined technology of pit, composting, and septic systems to ensure safe waste disposal year-round, even in unpredictable climates. Our sanitation facilities are gender-specific and include latrines, handwashing facilities, and shower facilities to improve the health and safety of all students and teachers.

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